Wednesday, December 28, 2005

My Top Ten

Since the trend among blogs at year’s end has been to make “top lists,” I figured I would make one of my own—what I plan on doing different when I get home:

1. Make Breakfast. We have been lucky enough to have a wonderful hot breakfast every morning here, and although I occasionally get noxious now at the sight of eggs, it is something in our lives at home that simply doesn’t exist.

2. Reduce the Load. Being away from home and all of my material possessions has demonstrated one thing to me—I really don’t miss anything. That having been said I plan on making some big trips to church to drop off a lot of stuff I don’t need.

3. Build a Wild Playset. I promised mcgdo before I left. Maybe she’ll let me coast until it warms up a bit.

4. Walk With the Kids. I spend a lot of time with my kids. But most of it is spent watching TV or putzing around. mcgdo’s going to learn how to ride her new bike and we’re going to do more stuff outside.

5. Help Around the House More. I do, actually, already do this—but Emily has worked hard enough for one pregnancy.

6. Keep Blogging. With this I really don’t know what direction I’ll go in. One thing I do know is that starting this blog was one of the best things I’ve done for myself psychologically, emotionally, and creatively in a long time. As I’ve said, my job at work isn’t the most taxing thing I’ve ever done so I imagine I’ll be able to come up with stuff while I’m there. I definitely need to find a designer to spruce the place up with some layouts, though.

7. Start Flying. I’ve already started taking steps towards this, but I haven’t been behind the controls in over a year. Time to go back.

8. Buy a DVR. One thing I have gotten here is that I finally found quality TV again. Or at least TV I like. The catch is that I don’t have a desire to schedule my life around it, nor do I feel like sitting in front of the TV all day.

9. Go Somewhere, Anywhere, Once a Month. We’ll start off small. But we are going to start going places and doing things. We’ve been so busy with our lives that we haven’t really been living.

10. Manage My Time. I’ve gotten pretty good at this here, although it may be due to my schedule not being as hectic as it is at home. What I have lost from being here are a lot of things that were priorities at home that are essentially meaningless to me now. I have no desire to stay at work late for whatever reason. I have no desire to stay online for the first hours of the day. All I really want to do right now is hold my kids.


  1. Sounds like a good list. I really hope you'll keep blogging when you get home. I enjoy reading your thoughts.


    p.s. Get home safe & sound & soon.

  2. Your not the first to find out prior important things are not so important now. But some of that might have changed had you stayed at home. You never know, change happens, and for the strangest reasons sometime.

    But beware ! Its easy to fall back to the easy and non challenging and the mundane. Just like its easy to get fat and hard to get rid of it.

    Just remember what my Mom told me long ago.

    Life is what you make of it.

    Papa Ray
    West Texas
