1) Bachelor week. I been bizy.
2) One of my projects for the week was to renew the sand under the monster playset since a lot of it has blown away. So I loaded up the F-150 with sand so heavily that it looks like the tires are gonna blow. Backed it up to the yard, and loaded up the first wheelbarrow. I made it two feet and the seal broke on the tire and now I have no way of getting the sand the 100 feet to the playset. I've spent many hours trying to figure out how to re-inflate the damn thing to no success.
3) The Lucky clan is on a whirlwind tour since SW goes back to work in a couple of weeks. They are currently in Austin, but should be back on Saturday night. On Sunday I fly out to St. Louis for a conference (conveniently the same city my parents live) and I'm taking the monkies with me to have them stay with the grandparents for the week. The following Friday SW and Odie will fly out to meet us when my training's over and we'll stay for one more week. After all that we make it back in time for SW to mentally get ready to head back into the workforce. For those that don't have kids--flying five people halfway across the country is not cheap. The first three weeks of SW's pay are already spent. Don't think we'll be doing that again.
4) My conference in St. Louis requires me to brief every Colonel that has anyone deploying in the next four months. Getting ready for that, as well as setting up all of my travel that the Air Force gives me to coincide with the monkies flying with me has been a major pain in the ass.
5) I'm starting to look like I have a real job. I'm in the middle of trying to do a hostile takeover of another branch to have them all work for me, thus permitting my section to be able to do what we're supposed to do. Clearly, the branch I'm stealing doesn't like the thought of being told what to do.
6) It was my time to post on Dad Bloggers, a site that I am a contributing author to. Since I only post once a month, I wanted to make it a good one. They should post it tonight. Check it out.
That's about it. I've been trying to get a review done on here but it's going slowly. I'll catch up.

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