For years I've watched "Fox and Friends" as background music to the morning routine, but now they have finally provided me with a solid target that I just can't pass up.
Miss E. D. Hill.
Mistress of the Obvious, Confounder of the Wise, and general Idiot of the Month. (Hey...maybe THAT's something I should start doing). I am absolutely dumbfounded that they allow her to remain on the airwaves. Pretty much every day she drops some airheaded ridiculous observation on us, and I feel it is my God-given responsibility to point out this Stupid Hypocritical Idiotic Talk (S.H.I.T.) on here. Today's gem:
"I don't like speed limits, either. But there are laws in this country and you can't break them."I sincerely hope that someone with more time on their hands than I follows her around to point out how many times she breaks that law each day.

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